Longer Battery Life: Demanded

Science has introduced us to a more fiction-like world. We can search everything in a click using a gadget, or we can work wherever we want through our phones. The only problem we have is, our phone’s battery dies easily. Want to work it out? Read more best battery tender reviews


Here are some of the tips you can use in improving your phone’s (works best in android phones) battery life:

Find out what’s been eating your battery life

It is suggested that you check out first what’s been sucking the life out of your battery and keep it to a minimal use

As much as possible set a low brightness level

Because brightness eats battery energy, it would be best to keep the brightness of your phone at a low level

Set a short screen time-out

Shorter screen time-outs save energy battery so set your phone in a short screen time-out convenient for you.

Manage your use of applications

More often than not, applications eat the most energy out of your battery so it is recommended to close the applications not needed. It would also be helpful if you update your applications because some of the updates contain energy saving mode.

Throw off unused widgets and live wallpapers

Although live wallpapers are cute and very attractive, they suck the life out of your battery. It would be bet to close or terminate widgets and live wallpapers which are unused. It would also be best if you use live wallpapers to a minimum.

Turn off unnecessary radios

Wi-fi, Bluetooth and other radios your phone uses don’t have to be on 24/7. Only turn on these radios if needed.

Put down smart features

Your phone doesn’t have to be as smart as you. If possible, it would be best to turn off the smart gestures your phone has to efficiently save battery life.

Put off vibrate

Turn off vibrate in incoming calls or texts. It is recommended to put your phone in a silent mode or ring mode because it takes more power to vibrate than to ring.

Use original batteries

Some people buy extra batteries which aren’t suitable for their phone. This may cause damage to your phone and can cause a poor battery performance. If it is necessary to buy an extra batter, make sure it is an original so as not to destroy the performance of your phone. You may like to know good cheap car batteries

Do not check your phone very often

Since the screen sucks the most of your battery life, it wouldn’t be helpful for your battery life if you check your phone for any notifications every 30 seconds or so. Give your phone some time to relax itself.

Use power saving mode

Most of the android phones have a power saving mode, it would be best to use this kind of applications to help your phone save its energy.

Though these phones help us a lot than we could ever imagined, there are still disadvantages in using it and an example of that is a lower battery life. Mentioned above are just some tips on saving battery life, try following them and you’ll be amazed at how it could help you save your phone’s battery life.